Maia Sandu took the oath of office today, officially becoming Moldova’s President. The inauguration ceremony occurred at the Palace of the Republic in Chisinau.
Parliament Speaker Igor Grosu opened the joint Parliament session and the Constitutional Court. After the National Anthem, Constitutional Court President Domnica Manole announced the ruling validating the election results. Maia Sandu placed her hand on the Constitution and recited the oath.
“I swear to devote all my strength and abilities to the prosperity of the Republic of Moldova, to uphold the Constitution and the laws of the country, to defend democracy, fundamental human rights and freedoms, sovereignty, independence, unity, and territorial integrity of Moldova,” said Sandu.
After the ceremony, the Constitutional Court President declared that Maia Sandu had officially assumed her presidential duties.
Sandu became Moldova’s first female president and the sixth in history. She was also the first directly elected president to secure two mandates.
Moldova’s Constitution requires the president to take the oath before Parliament and the Constitutional Court no later than 45 days after the election. The four-year presidential mandate begins on the day the oath is taken.