(VIDEO) Moldova’s Road to Europe: Insights from the People of Leova

“I have not been to Europe or Russia. No one gives you anything for free because you have to work. The important thing is for the country’s leadership to be good and to stay on the right path. We want peace and understanding, both at home and in the country,” said a resident of Leova district when asked about her opinion on the European integration of the Republic of Moldova.

Moldovans are hopeful that after joining the EU, salaries in Moldova will increase, and foreign investors will show greater confidence in the country. Likewise, citizens aspire to study and travel more freely within EU countries.


The vox pop conducted in the city of Leova is part of the campaign launched by the REALITATEA Press Group: “Moldova Chooses Europe,” where we travel to cities across the country and talk to citizens about Moldova’s accession to the European Union.

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