(VIDEO) Vadim Pistrinciuc says a negative referendum result will first lead to increased emigration

The number of Moldovans choosing to emigrate could increase even further if the result of the autumn referendum is negative. This is the opinion of Vadim Pistrinciuc, Executive Director of the Institute for Strategic Initiatives. A negative result would mean the “freezing” of negotiations for decades. He made this statement during the “Rezoomat” show, hosted by journalist Ileana Pîrgaru, on Wednesday, July 31, 2024.

“The first negative impact will be emigration. People are already leaving, and the departure will increase, particularly among the 30+ age group, the active population that can still migrate and reintegrate elsewhere. (…) The second issue will be technical, but the negotiations will not face technical problems. It is not required to organize a referendum, but from the perspective of ambition and enthusiasm that the European bureaucracy and the EU are providing, they will use this as an argument. They might say, ‘Let us leave Moldovans and negotiate with them for about 30 years, like with Turkey.’ Enthusiasm will fade, and the pace will slow significantly,” Pistrinciuc said.


We remind you that the Parliament of Moldova set October 20, 2024, for the presidential elections and the constitutional referendum. The referendum will ask: “Do you support amending the Constitution to allow Moldova’s accession to the European Union?”

Earlier, Angela Caraman, Chair of the Central Electoral Commission (CEC), stated that the presidential elections will cost approximately 250 million lei, which includes funding for a potential second round. The referendum will receive 37 million lei, and about 19 million lei will go toward mail-in voting.

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