Vlah: I am confident that Moldova should join the European Union, but it must not overlook the interests of its citizens


Irina Vlah, President of the “Platforma Moldova” Association, believes that the Republic of Moldova should become a member of the European Union. However, she emphasizes that even as a member, Moldova must not neglect the interests of its citizens.

“I am confident that the Republic of Moldova should become part of the European Union, but we must understand that even as EU members, we must always maintain mutual respect for our country and its people. Our leaders must continuously advocate for the interests of our business community, diaspora, and citizens in their dealings with European partners,” she stated in an interview for „BANDSTAGE.”

The politician mentioned that during her 8 years as the Bashkan of Gagauzia, she always maintained good relationships with all her partners.

“I never chose to work with the West against the East, or vice versa. I have always implemented projects with both the East and the West, with various countries, because they were projects for our people. I am confident that this regional experience is beneficial not only for Gagauzia but for the entire country. We are a small country and need to pursue a wise policy in the interest of our citizens,” she explained.


The presidential elections in the Republic of Moldova will be held on October 20, 2024. So far, those who have announced their intention to run include Irina Vlah, Alexandr Stoianoglo, Maia Sandu, Andrei Nastase, Tudor Ulianovschi, Ion Chicu, Renato Usatii, Natalia Morari, and Vasile Tarlev. Additionally, lawyer Teodor Carnat had previously expressed his intention to participate in the election.