Voting by mail in the USA and Canada may cost Moldova 13 million lei.

Voting by mail in the presidential election for citizens in the United States and Canada may cost Moldova 13 million lei. The head of the Central Electoral Commission (CEC), Angelica Karaman, announced it.

According to the head of the Central Election Commission (CEC), four electoral bureaus will be established in the USA and Canada. Their operations are estimated to cost approximately 200 thousand lei. Additionally, the production of ballot papers for early voter mailing is expected to total about 1.7 million lei. The expense for sending these materials is projected at 8 million lei. Therefore, the total expenditure for the four polling stations is estimated to be between 12-13 million lei.

It has also been reported that the list of countries facilitating mail-in voting for the Moldovan presidential election may expand. In addition to the USA and Canada, Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Iceland are under consideration for inclusion.


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