We celebrate “Limba noastra” through music! The cultural program for August 31

On Wednesday, August 31, on Our Language Day, the municipality is planning a series of cultural-artistic activities, including concerts, reports IPN. During the operative session of the Chisinau City Hall, Marina Damian, from the Culture Department, stated that in the first part of the day, starting at 10:00, the demonstrations will be held in the “Ștefan cel Mare” public garden.

The second part of the celebration will be organized from 19:00, at the intersection of Grigore Vieru boulevard and Eugen Doga pedestrian street. “There will be a concert performed by the Cristofor Aldea-Teodorovici Orchestra with the solists – Natalia Barbu and Cătălin Josanu”, said Marina Damian.

At the beginning of September, the “NeamÈ› Art Festival” and “ChiÈ™inău Days” festivals are planned at Piatra NeamÈ›. There will be concerts with the participation of the Vali Boghean Band, “Camerata Chisinau”, Mariana Bulicanu, Aliona Triboi and the band “Brio Sonores”. Also, a painting exhibition will be organized by the members of the Plastic Artists Union, with plastic artist Simion ZamÈ™a as the coordinator.


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