What can Moldovan entrepreneurs invest in today? The answer of the NBM adviser, Alexandru Savva

Today, the second podcast in the “Dă sens banilor” (“Give Meaning to money”) series was launched, which brings news about the capital market and VMS (Sovereign Securities), as well as helpful information about the prospects for the development of the infrastructure of financial instruments.

In this edition, the guest of the moderator Liliana Barbăroșie is the adviser of the National Bank of Moldova, Alexandru Savva, a specialist in the field of the financial market with over 20 years of experience.

The interview focuses on topics related to the investment instruments available on the market of the Republic of Moldova, the challenges in their development process, the activity of the Single Central Securities Depository (CSD), and the measures to boost investments.

“The Depository is a very sapid and necessary structure for a developed market. It is a core that creates connections between financial institutions. Also, the depository has a central role in the transfer of financial instruments. Not monetary means, but securities: instruments issued by the state, in the person of the Ministry of Finance, by joint-stock companies,” explained Alexandru Savva.

The full interview can be viewed below.

The podcast “Dă sens banilor” (“Give Meaning to Money”) aims to regularly explain economic topics in a context where the crises of recent years have repeatedly highlighted the need to strengthen the financial education of the citizens of the Republic of Moldova.

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