What is the opinion of European leaders about Moldova after the EPC Summit? EU Ambassador: “Impeccable organization”

“Dear Moldovans – thank you so much for your hospitality, bringing Europe home, with so many European leaders coming to Moldova in the past two days!” This is how the head of the EU Delegation to the Republic of Moldova, Janis Mazeiks, began his post on the social network about the Summit of the European Political Community (EPC), which took place on June 1, 2023, in Bulboaca.

“Yesterday Moldova was indeed the center of Europe. 50 European leaders, including the four highest EU officials, felt at home in Bulboaca, at Castel Mimi. I heard from several of them great admiration for the smooth organization of the event, the scenic way to Bulboaca, and the great venue of Castel Mimi,” he said.

In his opinion, the EPC Summit was flawlessly organized, and this fact “showed once again that Moldova is a European country, that can do things at the highest standards.”

“I saw in practice Moldovan determination and focus to ensure a great event. I would like to thank all those involved for hosting this important event that will remain as a benchmark for the next summits of the EPC. And I look forward to working together to bring Moldova closer to the EU. I am sure you will put into your European integration work the same determination as you did in the preparation for the EPC Summit,” Janis Mazeiks said.

The EPC Summit is a platform for political and strategic discussions on the future of Europe. Member states strive for political cooperation, resolving issues of common interest, and strengthening their stability and security.

The community appeared last year at the initiative of Emmanuel Macron. The leaders of the member states met for the first time in October 2022 in Prague.

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