What will happen to justice after the launch of accession negotiations? Minister Mihailov-Moraru’s answer

Moldova is to determine which of the justice sectors its legislation has not yet been harmonized with the EU legislation and adjust it. Veronica Mihailov-Moraru made the statement before the Luxembourg conference.

The Minister of Justice mentioned the importance of the meeting. At the same time, the official reiterated Moldova’s commitment to align with the European Union’s rigor and implement reforms, including in justice.

“Next, first of all, we are preparing the presentations, following the verification or assessment of the compatibility of the Moldovan legislation with the acquis communautaire. Once we finalize these presentations, we will share them with the European Commission. We will then establish an exact timetable for addressing areas that do not meet compatibility with the acquis communautaire.


Respectively, we are going to take the next steps, which concern the harmonization of the legislation with the acquis communautaire”, answered the minister when asked by Realitatea journalist Ileana Pirgaru about the steps Moldova is going to take in the field of justice after the launch of accession negotiations.

A Moldovan delegation led by Prime Minister Recean is in Luxembourg for the first Moldova-EU intergovernmental conference. The official announcement of the launch of accession negotiations will take place on Tuesday evening, June 25.

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