Young people in Moldova are increasingly interested in EU membership


A CBS-AXA poll, commissioned by the Watchdog organization in May 2024, reveals that many young people in the Republic of Moldova would vote for their country’s accession to the European Union. According to the data, 51.9% of young people aged between 30 and 44 would support this step, while 26.6% would vote against it.

Compared to the Public Opinion Barometer results in September 2023, which indicated that 49.7% of young people in the same age group would vote in favor of membership, this year’s figures mark a significant increase. However, the current percentage remains below 2022, when 54.8% of young people supported EU membership, reports.

Another poll conducted by IMAS in May 2024 shows that 49.9% of young people aged between 26 and 49 would vote in favor of EU membership, and 29.7% would vote against it. It represents a slight decrease from February of the same year when the share of supporters was 52.7%, and 32% would vote against it.


This upward trend reflects a growing interest among young people in European integration, where EU membership is an opportunity for the country’s economic and social development. Young Moldovans perceive European integration as a significant vector for raising living standards, access to the European market, and infrastructure and public services development.

Polls indicate that, despite some fluctuations, support for EU membership remains relatively stable and growing among young people, reflecting their aspirations for a better future within the European Union.