Zelenski’s warning: the Kremlin is searching for ways of strangling Moldova

The Russian Federation is already planning to launch a coup d’état in the Republic of Moldova and enter its territory. The warning comes from Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. He made several statements at the Security Conference in Munich (MSC 2023), on Friday, February 17.

The Ukrainian president recalled that Ukraine managed to resist Russia at the beginning of a large-scale invasion. However, he noted that not all countries are capable of this. He asked other countries for a joint decision, but received an answer only after “dictator Putin entered” Ukraine.

“While we are negotiating how to strengthen our defense with modern tanks, the Kremlin is thinking about how to strangle Moldova. As long as we convince Ukraine that it needs aviation, Russia has already convinced the Iranian regime. And the result of this is not only Iranian drones in our sky, but also what the Kremlin paid for it,” Zelensky said.


Just the day before, rocket fragments were found again in Moldova, near the border with Ukraine. This time they were discovered after a massive nighttime Russian airstrike on Ukrainian cities. It is the fourth time that the remnants of missiles from the bombing of Ukraine fall on us.

Vladimir Zelenski, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and French President Emmanuel Macron opened the proceedings of the 59th edition of the Munich Security Conference, the most prestigious forum dedicated to international security taking place on the eve of the one-year anniversary of the Russian invasion in Ukraine, a moment that the organizers of the Conference describe as a catalyst by which the world’s democracies can revive their vision of the rules-based international order, which is under attack from authoritarian revisionists. This year’s edition is chaired for the first time by Christoph Heusgen, former foreign policy advisor to former German Chancellor Angela Merkel and former German ambassador to the UN.

Last year, the prestigious and powerful participants of the annual conference had barely returned home from Munich when Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered a military invasion against Ukraine on a scale that European powers considered historic.

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