
5 impressions from the winemakers who presented their new wines this weekend

“Tasty” releases on National Wine Day! It is already a tradition, at the beginning of October, on the National Wine Day, for winemakers to come up with wine news. The 86 wineries participating in the event gave the visitors the opportunity to enjoy both the wine premieres and the wines that won medals at international competitions.

Nicolae Chiosa, production director of the “Purcari” group: “It is always welcome to have contact with the consumer, with foreign partners, to have a reason for meeting and for us to present our new products. Unfortunately, for two years we did not have the opportunity to do it, but we are glad that today we are here and we can do it. This year we have come up with several new series of wines, “Academia Purcari” which includes: Răra neagra, Fetească neagra, Saperavi and Viorica. In addition to the Academia series, we also have the Nocturn series, which includes 5 wines dedicated to the HORECA industry. We have Sauvignon Blanc, Pinot Grigio, Rose, Rară Neagră and Cabernet Sauvignon.”

Dina Pîslaru, director of marketing and sales at the “Sălcuța” winery: “Wine Day is our chance to see wine lovers again after a 2-year break, and we are actually glad that we had the opportunity to see our dearest ones again but also new people who have shown interest in our wines. Today we present to the public and our friends the ENO collection that has acquired a new face. I am glad that the world is interested in local varieties, which is actually our focus now because we have 450 hectares where we grow 16 international varieties harmoniously and we are in the process of planting local varieties because we are sure that they will represented in markets outside the country.”

“Kazayak Wine”
Nicolae Popov, executive director of “Kazayak Wine”: “We had the desire to see the consumers, to communicate with them all one-on-one. We came up with some newer wines, barrel aged wines and classic wines that have always been appreciated. Here we mainly serve consumers with wine from last year’s 2021 harvest. Our calling card is the Viorica wine. We were the first to revive the native variety Viorica, we were the first to make it known, we have about 10 gold, silver, bronze medals at international competitions and we were also awarded at the “Wine of Moldova” competition.

Natalia Efros, founder of the “AlterEgo” winery: “We are a recently launched winery, in 2020 and the National Wine Day is the best event that has happened to us since the launch until now, because it is a very wide platform that gathers tourists and local consumers and we have the opportunity to highlight everything we have worked for in these two years, so that it can be appreciated and enjoyed and taken home. We came with white wines and red wines. We have wines from 2020 and 2021 because the new 2022 wines are just being produced.”

Dmitrii Durnopian, commercial director of “Kvint”: “This year our company celebrated 125 years since its foundation and on this occasion we prepared two new limited edition items, KVINT XO 15 years and Divin KVINT VSOP 6 years. Prepared according to traditional technology as a result of the mixing of Divin’s own distillates, obtained from grapes selected from both classic European varieties and local varieties grown on the plantations of the plant. Divine distillates were matured in oak barrels. They have an elegant golden color and a soft, harmonious, spicy taste with a pleasant floral-vanilla tinge. Likewise, a novelty for this year is the Orange-Viorica&Solaris wine. Produced from Viorica and Solaris white grape varieties according to the original technology by fermentation on the pulp. After fermentation, the wine is left to mature in containers until spring. As a result, the wine acquires an unusual golden-amber color, complex aroma with bright notes of apricot, quince, pineapple, nutmeg and grapefruit.”


National Wine Day promotes the culture of responsible and correct consumption of quality wine. Therefore, the guests of the event had the opportunity to taste quality wines, based on the Taster’s Book, which allowed visitors to discover the terroir of the four Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) areas without exceeding the limit that falls within the concept of “moderate consumption”.

The 21st edition of the National Wine Day is organized by the National Vine and Wine Office (ONVV), with the support of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry and USAID Moldova.

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