US, EU, Moldova, and Romania Representatives Discuss Routes for Ukrainian Cereal Transportation


“High-level representatives from the United States of America, the European Union, the Republic of Moldova, and Romania are discussing alternative routes for transporting cereals from Ukraine in Galați on Friday, according to the US Embassy in Bucharest, which expresses support for ‘ensuring uninterrupted continuity of Ukrainian cereal exports’.

At the press conference on the topic of Ukrainian agricultural exports within the EU-Ukraine solidarity corridors, attendees will include Romania’s Minister of Transport, Sorin Grindeanu, Jim O’Brien, who heads the US office overseeing sanction regimes (US Sanctions Coordinator), Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister Oleksandr Kubrakov, Magda Kopczynska – Director for Waterborne Transport at the Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport, representatives from the European Commission, and Moldova’s Minister of Agriculture, Vladimir Bolea, reports Digi24.

“In the face of adversity, unity prevails. In a crucial meeting to be held in Galați, Romania, Ukraine, the Republic of Moldova, the European Commission, and the United States will join forces following Russia’s harsh withdrawal from the Black Sea Cereals Initiative,” the US Embassy states in the announcement.

Thus, the meeting will also convey gratitude to Romania “for its unwavering efforts in supporting Ukrainian cereal exports”.


“Despite Russia’s ruthless destruction of Ukrainian port infrastructure and grain storage facilities, we remain committed to ensuring the uninterrupted continuity of Ukrainian cereal exports to meet global demand,” the embassy says.

The discussions will focus on improving alternative transport routes for cereals from Ukraine.

“By collaborating, we are determined to strengthen and diversify alternative routes for cereal exports by rail, road, and sea, ensuring Ukraine’s essential role in the global food market,” the statement adds, denouncing the Kremlin for “turning food into a weapon and endangering global food security.”

“The United States stands firmly alongside Ukraine, promising ongoing support and assistance to help Ukraine overcome challenges and promote prosperity in the region,” the US Embassy further notes.”