Huge News for All of Moldova! Parlicov Promises to Purchase the First Maritime Gas Shipment in 2024

The state energy trader Energocom is set to purchase the first shipment of gas, and subsequently import it through the Greek port of Alexandroupolis, said Minister of Energy Victor Parlicov at the Press Club.

According to him, the Greek port of Alexandroupolis is scheduled to be inaugurated in February, and Moldova is in discussions for the acquisition of gas to be transported by sea and brought into the country through the Trans-Balkan corridor.

“We are trying to expand the geography to ensure the best price for consumers. That’s why we are exploring multiple sources, including having discussions with the Turkish company BotaÈ™,” emphasized Parlicov.

Moldova discontinued Russian gas at the end of 2022 and shifted its focus to Western markets after Gazprom reduced the quantity supplied to Chisinau to 5.7 million cubic meters per day. The entire quantity of methane was redirected to the left bank of the Dniester River in exchange for electrical energy.

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