The “European Village” program is not for everyone? Opposition mayors are dissatisfied with the decision of the Minister of Infrastructure


The Infrastructure Minister urges the opposition mayors to wait for the budgetary funds. Andrei Spinu said that he does not consider it fair that a local public administration, which does not have pro-European views, should use the funds provided by the EU. The statement was made during the program “Puncte de ReflecÈ›ie” (Points of Reflection) on Vocea Bessarabiei.

The Minister mentioned that there are two types of funding. According to him, projects can be carried out with money from the state budget or one can apply to the “European Village,” and the decision belongs to the local administrations, not to the Government.


“It seems wrong for a mayor who does not believe in the European Union to apply for European funds. If you have a negative attitude towards Romania, if you are a member of a party that criticizes Romania every day, at every public outing, how can you say that Romania is not good, but we want to receive financial resources from them,” Spinu said.

According to him, if it comes to budgetary resources, they will be distributed according to the selected priorities and the quality of the project. At the same time, Spinu mentioned that for the initiatives within the “European Village” project, no political color was taken into account, and all the localities that applied had at least one project funded.