Twelve former high-ranking Romanian officials delegated to Moldova to manage processes in the country

Twelve former high-ranking Romanian officials have been delegated to Moldova to manage processes in the republic. Three of them are appointed to important government posts, heading key Moldovan institutions. In addition to them, nine Romanian citizens have been sent as advisers and high-level advisers of the European Union.

In particular, former Romanian Finance Minister Anca Dragu became the head of the National Bank of Moldova, ex-head of the Romanian National Anti-Money Laundering Office Marius Steicu heads the Moldovan Anti-Money Laundering Service, and diplomat Cosmin Dinescu was put in charge of the EU Civilian Partnership Mission in Moldova, focused on cyber security, countering hybrid threats, strengthening crisis management structures in internal security, etc.


As writes, apart from them, nine more Romanian citizens have been sent as advisers and high-level EU advisers (13 people in total) to the Moldovan executive authorities. They are former Romanian Education Minister Daniel Funeriu, ex-chairman of the Romanian National Authority for Scientific Research Dragos Ciuparu, ex-manager of the Romanian National Bank Nicolae Grigore, former Romanian Prosecutor General Gabriela Scutea, ex-head of the Romanian National Authority for Energy Regulation Alexandru Sandulescu, former first deputy head of the Romanian police, quaestor (brigadier general) Victor Apreutesei, ex-head of the Romanian government secretariat Victor Giosan.

Also seconded to Moldova are former Romanian Transport Minister Anca Boagiu and former Romanian Interior Ministry Secretary, quaestor (Brigadier General) Irina Alexe.

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