Japan and the UNDP have allocated $500,000 to Moldova to support the agricultural sector


The government of Japan has announced a contribution of $500,000 to the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) aimed at bolstering the resilience of Moldova’s agricultural sector against the impacts of climate change and related disasters, as stated in a recent press release by the UNDP.

“In recent years, global farmers, particularly those in Moldova, have faced significant challenges due to climate change, including drought, coupled with economic pressures such as fluctuating raw material prices exacerbated by conflicts like that with Russia. I deeply respect the resilience shown by Moldovan farmers and society in confronting these adversities. It’s an honor to stand alongside such courageous individuals. We extend our gratitude to UNDP, other UN agencies, and the Ministry of Agriculture for their involvement in this project,” remarked Ambassador of Japan to Moldova, Yoichiro Yamada.

The one-year project, titled “Improvement of Human Security in Moldova through Agro-Food Resilience to External and Climate Shocks,” aims to provide access to cutting-edge technologies and expertise for the modernization of agro-meteorological and hydrological monitoring systems. This initiative seeks to enhance the quality of data crucial for agricultural planning, climate risk mitigation, and the strengthening of early warning systems tailored to the agricultural sector.

“Recent years have witnessed increasingly extreme weather events in Moldova, disproportionately impacting the agricultural sector, upon which both the economy and livelihoods heavily rely. One of the primary objectives of this project is to mitigate climate risks by modernizing the agro-meteorological and hydrological monitoring network, ensuring the availability of reliable data for timely decision-making in agriculture. The collaboration between UNDP and Japan is instrumental in minimizing economic losses caused by natural hazards and preparing Moldova to better withstand climate shocks,” noted UNDP Resident Representative in Moldova, Daniela Gasparikova.


Moreover, the State Hydrometeorological Service (SHS) will receive support for the modernization of agro-meteorological monitoring through the installation of automated meteorological stations. These stations will be equipped with sensors to monitor various parameters such as wind speed and direction, temperature, humidity, precipitation, soil conditions, and solar radiation. This comprehensive data will facilitate informed decision-making, ultimately enhancing agricultural productivity, resilience, and sustainability.

To build local capacities, assistance will be provided to at least seven district centers to develop climate change adaptation plans and disaster risk reduction strategies. Additionally, around 20 representatives from local authorities will be trained on accessing climate finance to support adaptation efforts.

Through UNDP’s support, the ongoing reform of the State Hydrometeorological Service aims to enhance climate services, with a focus on the agricultural sector. Expansion and integration of observation points into a unified system are key to improving forecast accuracy and coordination.