Liviu Vovс: “No one invited political forces supporting Russian interests to sign the Pact for Europe.”


The “Pact for Europe” signed by the 13 parties is not a non-aggression pact but a document committing the signatories to support the European integration referendum, which will be on the same date as the presidential elections on 20 October. The vice-president of the Platform for Dignity and Truth, Liviu Vovc, claims that the document signatories represent about 60% of local authorities in Moldova, according to

“The “Together” bloc supports the European course. The “Together” bloc stands in firm support of the European course. Our initial endeavor will involve participating in the upcoming presidential elections and referendum. The “Together” bloc, even if it was skeptical about the date chosen by PAS regarding the referendum, said that we would support this initiative anyway. We would work to make this referendum pass. Political forces that support Russian Federation interests and parties affiliated with Ilan Shor, PSRM, were not invited to sign this pact. The others who signed, time will show if they were sincere or cheats”, said Liviu Vovc.

On 27 May, the National History Museum hosted the signing of the “Pact for Europe” by representatives of 13 Moldovan political parties. The signing ceremony gathered not only political leaders but also high-ranking guests. Romanian Ambassador to Moldova Cristian-Leon Turcanu and Ukrainian Ambassador Marco Shevchenko attended the event and expressed their initiative support.


The pact signatories make a “political commitment to promote Moldova’s integration into the European Union.” They also pledge to “promote the rule of law, social cohesion and national solidarity in support of the strategic goal of European integration, putting the interests of society above personal, group and party interests.” The parties also pledged to condemn wars of aggression and occupation of the territories of sovereign and independent states.