USM and UTM will not be merging for the time being. The reason was announced by the State University of Moldova


The State University of Moldova informs about the temporary postponement of the negotiations on the merger with the Technical University of Moldova until the Government’s position on the adequate funding of the future institution is clear, and we have firm guarantees in this regard.

This decision of the management and the Senate of the USM is motivated by the desire to protect the interests of our academic community, to ensure financial stability until the merger, and the need for clear answers to the topics proposed for discussion at the meeting of the Council of Rectors with the Prime Minister and the Minister of Education and Research on 30.04.2024.

Government authorities must provide firm guarantees and commitments to ensure adequate university funding. Our priority is to create a stable and predictable environment for students and academic and administrative staff to avoid disruptions caused by financial uncertainty. We will maintain an ongoing dialogue with state authorities to initiate and complete the merger of USM and UTM.


In May, the Rector of the Technical University of Moldova (UTM), Viorel Bostan, officially announced that the State University of Moldova and UTM will merge under a single new name. He made the statement on a broadcast on N4. This move represents a significant step in the consolidation and modernization of higher education in Moldova.

The merger of the two higher education institutions comes to optimize resources and increase the higher education quality in the country. The merger will create a stronger and more competitive academic institution capable of offering diversified and high-quality educational programs.