“Moldova Business Week 2024”: Our country – the next investment destination

Over a thousand participants will attend this year’s most important business event, “Moldova Business Week 2024”. This year’s event will take place across various country regions from September 16 to 20. The motto of the current edition is “Republic of Moldova – your next investment destination.”

For five days, in four regions of the country, Chisinau, Balti, Edinet, and Ungheni, during the “Moldova Business Week 2024,″ participants will discuss the investment climate in the Republic of Moldova, attracting funds and developing sustainable partnerships. They will also discuss new investment profiles and the opportunities for cooperation opening up for the Republic of Moldova with the start of negotiations on accession to the European Union.

Dumitru Alaiba, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Economic Development and Digitization: “The Republic of Moldova has something to offer investors! “Moldova Business Week 2024” is the perfect opportunity to create valuable partnerships and explore the unique opportunities that our country offers. We invite business people and foreign and local investors to join us. It will be informative and useful. Moreover, “Moldova Business Week” is a unique opportunity to discover how the Republic of Moldova can be your starting point for business success.”

The main topics covered during “Moldova Business Week 2024″ will focus on Information and Communication Technology, agribusiness, automotive and electronics, pharmaceuticals and medical tourism, energy and infrastructure, tourism and wine, and non-residential real estate. A special focus will be on promoting the country’s brand, the steps taken in this direction, future projects, and investments.


Natalia Bejan, Director General of the Investment Agency: “At “Moldova Business Week 2024,” we will explore how one of the smallest countries in the world has become a significant player in the global market. Join us to discover how Moldova has become one of the world’s largest exporters of wine, produces 1% of all automotive parts, supplies electronics for public transportation in over 140 cities globally, and ranks in the top 10 in the world for exports of grapes, plums, apples, plums, walnuts, and cherries. We invite all our partners and current and potential investors to join us September 16-20. This event will showcase Moldova’s economic potential, highlighting progress at the country level, projects under implementation, and the great opportunities available.”

“Moldova Business Week” is the largest platform connecting business people and investors from different countries and regions with suppliers of local products and services. It is an ideal opportunity to analyze economic trends and national policies in the global context, with a focus on the country’s European integration.

“Moldova Business Week” is an annual event organized by the Investment Agency of the Republic of Moldova in collaboration with development partners and central public institutions. This event brings together foreign investors, local and international entrepreneurs, business people, economic experts, analysts, representatives of state institutions, and members of diplomatic missions accredited to the Republic of Moldova.

“Moldova Business Week” serves the Government of the Republic of Moldova as a tool to inform the investment community and other interested parties about the latest legislative and regulatory projects in the economic field. The event also showcases measures to improve the business climate and investment conditions, highlights reforms and opportunities, and presents the country’s foreign trade statistics. The first edition of Moldova Business Week took place in 2014.

Participants can register for “Moldova Business Week 2024” by visiting the link https://mbw.md/.

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