The Moldovan foreign minister held a meeting with the Saudi ambassador

Deputy Prime Minister Mihai Popsoi, Minister of Foreign Affairs, met today with Mohammed Abdulghani Khayat, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to the Republic of Moldova, resident of Bucharest. The officials discussed priority issues on the bilateral agenda and noted the positive dynamics of cooperation in areas of mutual interest.

They also exchanged views on the international situation and domestic political developments.

At the same time, they emphasized strengthening the political-diplomatic dialogue and identifying opportunities to boost trade and economic cooperation. In this regard, the officials expressed interest in expanding the bilateral legal framework. They mentioned the need to finalize negotiations on draft treaties on the bilateral agenda and domestic procedures for their entry into force.


In this context, the parties noted their ongoing cooperation in the multilateral field, particularly within UN structures and other international organizations.

The Republic of Moldova and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia established diplomatic relations on July 17, 1996.

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