From the next academic year, Moldovan universities will implement dual education

Starting next academic year, Moldovan universities will introduce dual education. The Cabinet decided it on September 25.

The system enables third- and fourth-year students in marketing, logistics, pedagogy, engineering, and IT to combine their studies with work at a company.

“We are allowing students to work and study simultaneously while earning a salary by approving the regulation for dual education in higher institutions. Time spent at work will count as part of their studies,” Minister Dan Perciun said during the meeting.


The decision will improve employment opportunities for graduates and offer better study programs with labor market needs.

Only vocational schools offer dual education, with over 1,600 students working while studying now.

Dual education merges theoretical learning in schools, colleges, or universities with practical training in companies. Its primary goal is to equip students with theoretical knowledge and market-relevant skills.

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