Statement of the media group “Realitatea”

We note with concern that, lately, several anti-European political forces and interest groups have been using text and video content of the “Realitatea” media group’s platforms to promote narratives directed against the democratic development of the Republic of Moldova and the advancement of our country on the path to accession to the European Union.

We strongly condemn the application of all means of manipulating public opinion by using the content of the ‘Realitatea’ media group as credible media sources for purposes directed against the Republic of Moldova and its citizens.

Based on internal monitoring, we conclude these manipulations have become systematic in the last two months. It aimed at using the contents of “Realitatea” to credibilize and promote narratives of misinformation in society.


We categorically dissociate ourselves and reiterate that we publicly condemn any methods and practices of manipulation and disinformation of society and public opinion.

The “Realitatea” media group is a free and independent media institution, a media tool of public utility, and an expression of the modernization effort of the Republic of Moldova. In addition to the objectives of providing accurate, objective, rapid information and educating society in the spirit of democracy, the “Realitatea” team has two priorities to which it contributes with all its efforts in the media and creative fields:

  • The Republic of Moldova – a state governed by the rule of law, a free, democratic country, which is developing in the direction of joining the European Union;
  • The people of the Republic of Moldova are multinational, respecting the Constitution, sovereignty, and independence, enjoying the cultural richness of all nationalities, tolerant, and willing to work, develop, modernize, and be part of European civilization.

Realitatea Media Group develops and manages RLIVE TV, five online news platforms in Romanian, Russian, and English –,,,, and – the largest platform for live broadcasts of events of public interest.

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