(VIDEO) The ODA representatives informed entrepreneurs from the country’s south about access to financing

Entrepreneurs from Cahul, Leova, and Cantemir had the opportunity to attend a meeting with the Organization for Entrepreneurship Development director, Vadim Codreanu. The event aimed to inform them about access to financing through ODA programs, including the government program 373, to support small and medium-sized businesses.

“We are seeing increased interest in the programs we manage. And that’s why it’s important to have direct contact with them, to see what they want to hear from us. Entrepreneurs are certainly eager to prosper, and they welcome government support, especially when it complements assistance from development partners like the European Union,” said Vadim Codreanu, director of ODA.

The Ministry of Economic Development and Digitization representative, Victor Ciobanu, stressed the importance of supporting local entrepreneurship for the region’s economic development.

“It is obvious that entrepreneurs need certain support to modernize their business, develop it, and adjust it to EU standards. Here, the role of the state is important. Today’s meeting highlights the desires and needs of entrepreneurs, as well as the programs already in place. It aims to assess whether these programs specifically address entrepreneurs’ needs or if adjustments are necessary,” said Victor Ciobanu, Entrepreneurship Development Policy Section, MDED.


Access to finance and information is essential for entrepreneurs in all regions of the country to overcome challenges and develop their businesses, says the President of Cahul district.

“We as a public administration have a keen interest that our entrepreneurs are informed, knowledgeable and know where to turn to receive certain aid and support from the state, that they, in turn, contribute to the state budget, and we can be able to develop our communities,” said Pavel Groza, President of Cahul district.

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