Moldova has signed the Agreement on the Liberalization of Freight Transport

Important achievement for our country! The Republic of Moldova signed on Wednesday, June 29, the Agreement on the Liberalization of Freight Transport with the European Union. The announcement was made by the Minister of Infrastructure and Regional Development, Andrei Spinu.

Last autumn, the minister had a discussion with European Commissioner Adina Ioana Valean on the issue of Moldovan carriers regarding the lack of permits for the transport of goods. After several months of work, Moldova is reaping the rewards.

“Dear Moldovan carriers! You can now transport Moldovan exports through EU countries without road transport permits. You can still conclude contracts for the supply of goods, especially agricultural products, by using alternative routes throughout the European Union. You have a free way in the EU! You have freedom, lower costs and you directly benefit from our proximity to the EU, ”the deputy prime minister mentioned in his message on Facebook.

Andrei Spinu claims that this agreement will put an end to all the problems encountered during these months of conflict, but also to the old stories when the carriers had to share their permits.

Also, for the citizens, the proper functioning of the supply chains will be ensured, but also the food security, also affected by the situation in Ukraine.

The agreement was concluded for a determined period, until March 31, 2023, with the possibility of being extended.

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