The Minister of Economy about the “Prima Casă” Project

The government will continue to support the ”Prima Casa” (the Frist House) project in the next period, stated the Minister of Economy, Sergiu Gaibu. 

However, it is possible that the current government may abandon the given project for several reasons. At some point come they might come with some changes. The given decision could only be taken after consultations with the civil society. The statements were made during the show “Rezoomat cu Ileana Pîgaru”, on RLIVE TV.

“Obviously, it would be good to change this credit, this form of support. But as long as there is a crisis, there is no point in doing this intervention,” said the Minister of Economy

”But after the crisis ends together with society, I think it is worth starting a discussion. And decide how to create a program that is more stable in times of crisis,” added Gaibu.


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