Tag: Prima Casa

Important changes in the ”Prima Casa” program! The value of purchased homes increases to 2.5 million lei

The Ministry of Finance has announced significant changes in the ''Prima Casa'' program, aimed at expanding citizens' access to financing for home purchases in the Republic of Moldova. According to the new...

Over eight thousand homes were purchased through the “Prima Casa” program.

Since the launch of the State Program "Prima Casa" until now, 8073 homes have been purchased. For this purpose, the banks granted loans worth 4.42 billion lei, informs the Ministry of Finance.Also,...

The Minister of Economy about the “Prima Casă” Project

The government will continue to support the ”Prima Casa” (the Frist House) project in the next period, stated the Minister of Economy, Sergiu Gaibu. However, it is possible that the current government may...

A government project, to reduce the impact of rising credit prices

Most of the beneficiaries who purchased apartments under the ”First Home” Program face difficulties following the increase of the interest rate to 12.97%. In order to reduce the impact of the increase...

Essential news regarding the “Prima Casă” program. The authorities will compensate 60% of the interest

Beneficiaries of the Prima Casă program will pay less interest on the loan. Thus, after raising the interest rate to 5.35%, the beneficiaries will pay only 670 lei, the Minister of Economy,...


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