Ex-Minister of Defense: Moldova would represent a stake for Russia

The Republic of Moldova would represent a stake for the Russian Federation from a geopolitical point of view. This is what the ex-Minister of Defense, Anatol Șalaru, says as a guest on the “Freedom” show.

He also mentioned that the Russian Federation would like “a new government that would be devoted to Russia and would become overnight, the enemy of Ukraine”, informs tv8.md.


“For Russia, Moldova does not matter from a military point of view. Politically, we are a negligible factor for the Russians. They want the destabilization of the situation, they want protests in Moldova. Also, a new government that would be devoted to Russia and would become overnight, the enemy of Ukraine . Would block the access roads to Ukraine, the transport corridors, would open the airport for Russian ships or for Russians who they come through Istanbul or other countries, to be able to supplement their troops from Transnistria”, stated Åžalaru.

“They are desperately looking for someone to serve as an example for their own electorate, to tell them: We have achieved victory, a state in Europe opposes all decisions, look at the protests,” added the director of the Military Museum, Sergiu Cataraga.

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