The maternity hospital in Balti – equipped with the latest equipment by UNFPA

The maternity ward was equipped with modern equipment by UNFPA Moldova – the UN Population Fund with the financial support of the USA. The maternity hospital in Balti is one of the 9 medical institutions to be equipped with similar medical equipment in the field of sexual and reproductive health. The value of the equipment offered for the maternity hospital in Balti is 520 thousand USD. The total value of the equipment provided by UNFPA for the entire system is 2 million. 200 thousand dollars.

The event took place at the Perinatal Center of the Clinical Hospital in Balti and gathered officials such as the Minister of Health of the Republic of Moldova, Ala Nemerenco, Deputy in the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova, Member of the “Social Protection, Health and Family” Parliamentary Committee, Liliana Grosu, Secretary General UN Deputy and UNFPA Deputy Executive Director, Ib Petersen together with the Regional Director of the UNFPA Office for Eastern Europe and Central Asia, Florence Bauer, the Resident Representative of UNFPA Moldova, Dr. Nigina Abaszada, including representatives of the Local Public Administration of Balti and the Hospital Balti Municipal Clinic.


By the end of 2022, 22 birthing rooms and 8 resuscitation and intensive care rooms in the Republic of Moldova will be fully equipped, which will make about 15 thousand births annually, which take place in these medical institutions, happen in safer conditions.

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