The Angel Kanchev University of Bulgaria plans to establish a branch in Taraclia

“Grigore Tamblac” State University in Taraclia will become a branch of “Angel Kanchev” University in Ruse, Bulgaria. The signing of the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Moldova and the Government of the Republic of Bulgaria on its establishment was decided today by the Executive.

Through the implementation of this contract, study programmes will be diversified, their quality will increase, and graduates will receive diplomas in specialities recognised and, accepted throughout Europe. At the same time, the university will improve working conditions for professors and increase investments in its technical-material base to facilitate internationalisation and cooperation with European universities.

The signing of the Agreement is expected to take part in the meeting of the Moldovan-Bulgarian Join Intergovernmental Commission for Economic Cooperation in March this year. Upon signing, the rights and obligations of “Grigore Tamblac” State University, as well as its properties, will be transferred to the Taraclia branch of the Angel Kanchev University of Bulgaria.

The students of the “Grigore Țamblac” State University will continue their studies in the specialities to which they have already been admitted in the newly created branch, while the teaching and non-teaching staff of the State University of Moldova will continue to work in the new branch.

The financing of the branch of Angel Kanchev University will be carried out from the budget of Angel Kanchev University from Ruse by the legislation of the Republic of Bulgaria.


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