
A new justice reform? There will be Northern, Southern, and Central Courts of Appeal, with two courts being absorbed

The Ministry of Justice is planning to reorganise several courts in Moldova. The Courts of Appeal in Balti, Chisinau, Cahul and Comrat will be replaced by the Central Court of Appeal, the Northern Court of Appeal and the Southern Court of Appeal.

As part of the reorganization into the South Court of Appeal, the Comrat Court of Appeal will merge with the Cahul Court of Appeal. The Ministry of Justice deems it necessary for the Anenii Noi court to be absorbed by the one in Causeni.

“The Ministry of Justice deems it necessary for the court in Anenii Noi to be merged with the one in Causeni. The clerks and judicial assistants of the merged Courts of Appeal will be transferred to the Southern Court of Appeal and employed on a priority basis.

After the merger, the judges of Anenii Noi Court are now considered judges of Causeni Court. The court clerks and judicial assistants from Anenii Noi Court will be transferred to Causeni Court. After the merger, the clerks and judicial assistants of the Anenii Noi Court will continue to work in the secondary offices of the Causeni Court until the necessary conditions are created for their placement in the central office of the respective court” according to the Ministry of Justice.


Specialists from the secretariats may be considered for employment in the merged courts, subject to available vacancies. The staffing levels in these subdivisions will be adjusted as needed to align with the reorganization.

The decision allows for the potential relocation of various regional courts. The decision made by the authorities does not aim to increase or decrease the overall number of judges or court employees, nor does it provide for changes in their salaries.

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