The Ministry of Internal Affairs (MAI) announces that, following Russia’s massive bombing of Ukraine, a border police patrol discovered, on the 14th January, in the area of the Larga border sector (Briceni district), the remains of a missile, originating from Russia’s air attacks on Ukraine.
Prime Minister Natalia Gavrilița condemns the attacks and stated that she expresses her indignation “for the lack of respect for the sovereignty of the Republic of Moldova”, in the context in which the country’s airspace has been repeatedly flown over.

“There is no political, historical and even more so moral justification for killing civilians and attacking the infrastructure that ensures the survival of the population. I express my deep indignation at the new massive attack on Ukraine. I express my indignation for the lack of respect for the sovereignty of the Republic of Moldova, its airspace being flown over again, the remains of a missile falling in the vicinity of Larga town in Briceni district. I express my support for the heroic Ukrainian people and our support for the victims of Russia’s barbaric attacks,” said Natalia Gavrilița.
We remind you that this is the 3rd case in which remnants of missiles from the bombing of Ukraine fall on the territory of the Republic of Moldova.