Alert at the railway company. The security system was “grounded” last night

The security system of the Moldovan Railway (CFM) was disconnected by unknown persons for a short period of time, announces the director of the CFM, Oleg Tofilat.

According to him, the incident was reported last night, and the legal authorities were notified by the CFM representatives.

“CFM’s recent successes do not give rest to the less responsible elements in society. Last night an ins – or several – broke into the CFM administration premises, disconnecting the rudimentary security systems we have. At the moment, I have no clarity either how much time they spent, or what they were doing at our place. I have addressed the competent authorities regarding this extremely worrying case. And we will undertake all the necessary internal measures to strengthen the security of the only railway transport operator in Moldova”, the announcement of the director of the CFM states.

The director of the CFM states that it is not clear the purpose of this action, nor who would be behind this action.


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