
Andrei Spînu reveals the price of electricity Moldova purchases from Romania

Yesterday, the Republic of Moldova bought electricity from Romania at a price of 415 euros mW/h. The announcement was made by the Minister of Infrastructure and Regional Development, Andrei Spînu, during the “Secretele Puterii” show on Jurnal TV.

“Today, the difference was bought at approximately 415 euros, because in the last 2-3 days the electricity prices on the European markets have increased considerably, over 70 percent. It is very volatile, it may decrease in the coming days. We will already see what the market will be”, declared Spînu.

Yesterday, ANRE approved the tariff of 5.91 lei kw/h for Premier Energy consumers. The supplier requested 6.39 lei kW/h.


From December 1, Energocom will again procure electricity from the Romanian company Hidroelectrica – 100 MWh band (24 hours out of 24) between December 1-11 and 20 MWh band from December 12 to December 31. The purchase price, according to this contract, is 450 RON/MWh, Energocom announces.

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