Batrincha, Novak, and Karaman appealed to the Prosecutor’s Office. The deputies accuse the country’s leadership of treason against the Motherland

The deputies of the Bloc of Communists and Socialists have appealed to the Prosecutor General’s Office to check the actions of the Moldovan leadership for treason and abuse of power when nominating a candidate for the post of the head of the National Bank.

“It is a mockery of Moldovan laws and common sense. The National Bank is the national regulator of the country’s financial-banking market that protects the country’s national interests. The law on the NBM stipulates that the governor of the National Bank must be a professional of impeccable reputation, apolitical, and, of course, a citizen of the Republic of Moldova. We believe that there are well-trained people in Moldova who can occupy this position,” said the Deputy Speaker.

Diana Caraman said that “Maia Sandu’s signing of the decree granting citizenship of the Republic of Moldova to the future head of the NBM, a few hours before the appointment, indicates an excess of power on the part of the head of state, as it is not clear on what basis this was done.”


MP Grigore Novac added that “the former head of the NBM, Octavian ArmaÈ™u, deserved to be dismissed, but this does not justify appointing a new governor in violation of all legal and moral norms.”

Anca Dragu worked for 15 years at the National Bank of Romania and the International Monetary Fund and was Minister of Public Finance in the Romanian government. In 2020, she was elected President of the Romanian Senate. On Friday, December 22, President Maia Sandu signed a decree granting Moldovan citizenship to Dragu.

On December 21, the head of the National Bank of Moldova, Octavian Armasu, was sent to resign by a parliamentary decision. “In favor” voted 81 deputies of PAS and PSRM. The dismissal followed a parliamentary hearing to discuss the return of money withdrawn from three Moldovan banks during the billion-dollar theft.

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