Breaking news! Tiraspol meeting: Transnistria asks Russia to protect it

Transnistria asks Russia for protection. The decision was approved at the controversial meeting in Tiraspol, where several allegations about alleged pressure from the constitutional authorities were raised.

Russia is thus appealing to the Federation Council and the Russian State Duma with a request that the region be protected, claiming that more than 220,000 Russian citizens live in the breakaway area and that the so-called peacekeeping mission is effective.

Tiraspol is also turning to the UN, accusing the constitutional government of violating the rights of residents on the left bank of the Dniester. The self-proclaimed administration also wants the support of the participants in the 5+2 negotiations, the OSCE to influence Moldova’s leadership to resume talks on the settlement of the Transnistrian conflict, and appeals to the CIS not to allow the conflict on the Dniester to escalate.


The Transnistrians also appeal to the EU, asking Europeans to counter alleged pressure from Moldova, and to the Red Cross, asking it to help create the conditions to ensure the humanitarian rights of the region’s inhabitants.

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