
Bridging Minds: Insights from Romania – Republic of Moldova Education Forum 2023

The Romania – Republic of Moldova Education Forum, 3rd edition, is currently taking place at “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University in Iași. The event is represented by the Deputy Head of the Education Department, Andrei Pavaloi, and the Head of the Child Protection Department, Tatiana Oboroc.

In a Facebook post, Mayor Ion Ceban stated that the 3rd edition of the Romania – Republic of Moldova Education Forum continues to explore the specific challenges and ethical dilemmas posed by the transition to digitization to identify promising practices that contribute to a fair and relevant assessment of learning.

“In the plenary sessions of the Forum, experts and practitioners in the field of education and technology from Romania, the Republic of Moldova, the United Kingdom, and Poland will provide valuable insights into the assessment of learning in the era of artificial intelligence, both theoretically and practically. At the same time, the eight proposed workshops will offer the opportunity to learn about schools implementing innovative programs in terms of inclusion, learning, entrepreneurship, character development, projects, and community involvement. Through all the activities of the Forum, the aim is to create a conducive framework for identifying innovative solutions, experiences with potential for replication, along with fostering a deep understanding of future directions for development and collaboration between our educational systems, both at the university and pre-university levels,” said Ion Ceban.

The Romania – Republic of Moldova Education Forum is an event initiated and organized by the Romanian Literacy Association, Quartz Matrix, “Richard Wurmbrand” College, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University in Iași, AGIRO-MD, Moldova State University, and the Republican Aristotle Theoretical High School in Chișinău.


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