Bringing Europe Closer with a Book: Six Book Sharing Stations Have Been Installed Around the Government Building

Six book-sharing stations filled with books signed by authors from around the world, available in Romanian, English, French, and German, have been installed around the Government building. Today, an innovative public space—”European Library”—was inaugurated.

”The European Library is an invitation for all literature enthusiasts to read here on the grass—either taking a book and leaving another in its place, thereby creating a cycle of generosity and sharing their favorite readings with others,” said Cristina Gherasimov, Deputy Prime Minister for European Integration.

Dozens of students and government employees attended the library’s launch event. The younger children read stories with authors Claudia Partole and Adelina Labic. The high school students engaged in discussions with writers Oleg Serebrian and Iulian Ciocan about the role of books in shaping their personalities and educating society.


“I have seen similar initiatives in many European countries. I am very pleased that we now have street libraries around the Government building, a public space where anyone can come and read. It is a small but significant step towards Europe,” said Oleg Serebrian, the Deputy Prime Minister for Reintegration.

Representatives of the diplomatic corps and the European Network of Cultural Institutes, EUNIC, stocked the libraries with numerous books.

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