A research on the tourist potential of Bulboaca and Speia localities, the systematization of all natural, cultural and archaeological attractions, as well as the elaboration of tourist routes through these localities, will be part of the Tourism Development Strategy. It is to be developed within the partnership of the “Constantin Mimi” Foundation with the Association for the Development of Tourism in Moldova, supported by the “Castel Mimi” Winery.
Cristina Frolov, President of the “Constantin Mimi” Foundation: “This strategy is an element of the Foundation’s ten-year commitment to position and develop the regions in which it operates as areas with multiple tourist attractions, but also a developed tourist infrastructure provided for them. Local and foreign tourists an attractive stay for at least 3-4 days. In cooperation with local and central authorities, we will implement this strategy from the beginning of next year, in order to obtain results from the first year ”.

Viorel Miron, Executive Director of the Association for Tourism Development in Moldova: “This project is truly unique for the Republic of Moldova, because for the first time the elaboration of a tourism development strategy of some localities is promoted and implemented by a private Foundation and an agent economic. In addition, for the first time, a strategy is being developed related to the region that was developed by a well-known personality – Governor Constantin Mimi ”.

Within this partnership, the experts of the Association for Tourism Development in Moldova and the “Constantin Mimi” Foundation will inventory all potential tourist attractions in these localities, will develop a top 10 tourist attractions in each locality, will develop electronic versions of tourist maps of villages and will propose three thematic local tourist routes common to both villages, as well as the necessary list of tourist indicators for these localities. Towards the end of the year, the Tourism Development Strategy of the Bulboaca-Speia destination and the action plan for its implementation for one year and five years will be finalized.
The strategies developed so far by the Association for Tourism Development in Moldova have served as a basis for attracting in the development of tourism in the Republic of Moldova, national and international funds worth over five million euros.

The “Constantin Mimi” Foundation was launched in 2019, in order to support projects in culture and education, regional development, as well as ecological projects. Among the initiatives successfully supported by the Foundation in recent years are scholarships for students, festivals and afforestation activities in Bulboaca. Since March 2022, the Foundation has focused its efforts on supporting refugees and the institutions that support them. In just three months, 3,000 refugee families have benefited from support.