Category: Politics

Nicu Popescu: Neutrality does not mean demilitarization!

Neutrality does not mean demilitarization and external isolation. This is what Deputy Prime Minister Nicu Popescu said during a TV-show, on August 10. He added that, according to the neutrality status of...

Moldovagaz audit – performed by European companies

The Public Property Agency (APP) has signed a contract for the purchase of the services of an independent financial and legal audit of the Moldovagaz debt to "Gazprom" and Factoring-Finance.Minister of Infrastructure...

Nicu Popescu talks about the promised financial assistance

Many Western partners have promised Moldova financial assistance, but the money does not reach the country immediately, said Nicu Popescu. The Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration made this clarification was...

Moldovagaz audit might start soon!

The Public Property Agency could in the next few days conclude a contract with a company that will carry out an audit of Moldovagaz's debt to Gazprom and Factoring Finance for gas...

When will the monetary policy be relaxed, according to Octavian Armașu

The interest rate will be reduced depending on how the conditions will evolve, how the inflation rate will be. If the trend will be a sustainable one, Moldova is going to move...
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Igor Grosu assures that we will be provided with “gas, light, wood and fuel”

"We will have gas, we will have light, we will have wood, we will have fuel". The president of the Parliament, Igor Grosu, came with such assurances in an interview for Vocea...

Transnistria’s intention to join Russia, unexpected for Serebrian

Transnistria's intention to join Russia was unexpected for the constitutional authorities, says Oleg Serebrian in an interview for The Times. The official believes that it could be the "prelude" to a possible...

Poland donated a huge batch of medical equipment to Moldova

The Republic of Poland provided medical equipment to the „Mamei și a Copilului” Institute from Chisinau (IMC). The aid was delivered through the Civil Protection MechanismCivil of the European Union. The equipment,...
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