
CEC authorized the first opinion polls during the election period

The Central Electoral Commission (CEC) authorized three opinion polls on voters’ political preferences and approved two pieces of legislation related to electoral legislation.

In doing so, the Commission authorized the conduct of opinion polls on voters’ political preferences by the sociological research company IMAS – Research and Strategies Ltd., the Intellect Group Ltd., and the Public Policy Institute. Please note that, according to the new provisions of the electoral legislation, to carry out opinion polls and exit polls during the electoral period, legal entities and/or public associations registered in the Republic of Moldova must obtain authorization from the Central Electoral Commission.

The CEC also approved the Regulation on the accessibility of the electoral process for people with disabilities. The document includes accessibility requirements for polling station premises, access roads to the building, the presence of turnstiles, circulation routes inside the building or the sanitary group. It also sets out the requirements to be met by polling station staff when setting up polling stations and the responsibilities of electoral contestants, media institutions, and civil society in ensuring electoral rights for people with disabilities.

The instructions on the ballot recount procedure describe in detail the ballot recount procedure and the role of each participant in this procedure. The instruction covers all types of elections and referendums, including the organization of the voting process in polling stations held abroad.

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