Chișinău Gears Up for Local Elections: 15 Candidates Enter the Race for Mayor

The electoral campaign for the local elections in Chișinău is shaping up to be lively, with already 15 candidates registered for the position of mayor. Among them are Vasile Bolea from the “Renaștere” party and Roman Mihăeș from the National Liberal Party, registered today by the Chișinău Electoral Council.

Other notable candidates include Vasile Costiuc, Ruslan Codreanu, Constantin Butucel, Ion Ștefăniță, Diana Caraman, Lilian Carp, Anatol Usatîi, Vadim Brînzaniuc, Ion Bulgac, Adrian Albu, Mihail Poleanschi, Victor Chironda, and Oleg Burlacu.

However, the registration process is not yet complete, with seven more cases under examination. These have been submitted by Ion Ceban, Dragoș Galbur, Alla Popova, Anatolie Prohnițchi, Cristina Vulpe, Andrei Donică, and Ion Purice.

The local elections in Chișinău will take place on November 5, with 898 mayoral positions and 11,058 local councilors at stake. The electoral campaign will begin tomorrow, on October 6, and will run until November 3. It remains to be seen who will manage to win the votes of the city’s residents and become the new mayor.


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