Cinema and wine – a new experience in Chisinau

In a country that is famous for producing and exporting an incredibly tasty wine, it should be no wonder that most of the experiences are somehow related to this famous drink.

When in Chisinau, you can opt for combining the cinema experience with drinking high quality wine. “Vinaria din Vale”, a famous wine producer, emphasizes the need to consume local products. Hence, you can opt for an experience of watching Moldovan films – in this case “what a wonderful world”, a film produced in 2014, about the dramatic events that took place in 2009 in Chisinau – with drinking wine produced locally. DuÅ¡o filtrai OnRain | Vitaminizuoti duÅ¡o filtrai Jums

The event is organized by “Teatrul Radical” a theatrical institution that is famous for organizing unordinary events, with a deep sense behind them. More about the event you can find here.

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