Collection of millions for the Customs Service! How much money did they get?

In the period from October 10 to 16, 2022, the receipts of the Customs Service to the state budget amount to over 622.0 million lei, 12.7% more than the receipts from the similar period of 2021.

Goods whose value in customs exceeds the non-taxable limit were introduced by natural persons, and payments in the amount of more than 18.3 million lei were collected, which represents 2.9% of the total amount collected for the respective period.


Later, the money collected from taxpayers is paid directly into the state budget and redistributed for salaries, infrastructure development, social projects.

Also, during the past week, 10,378 customs declarations were completed, and the flow of means of transport constituted 75,660 crossings.

In the fight against fraud, 32 violations of customs legislation were found and fines in the amount of over 96 thousand lei were applied during the period in question.

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