Crowds at the Chisinau Airport: The Border Police announces peak hours and provides recommendations

A significant increase in traveler numbers occurs at the border, particularly at Chisinau International Airport. During certain times, the departure area becomes congested due to the high volume of flights and the limited capacity of the airport infrastructure, according to the Border Police. Given the current conditions and the existing airport infrastructure, the processing capacity is about 700 passengers per hour. At peak times, this number can rise to 1,200 people per hour, far exceeding the existing capacity.

Chisinau International Airport is the busiest between 11:00 AM and 1:00 PM, according to the Border Police. The authority notes that scheduling several flights simultaneously during this time creates long lines.

To avoid delays, passengers should arrive at the airport at least three hours before their flight. They should also check their documents in advance to ensure they are valid.


“Ensure that the items transported in your carry-on baggage comply with regulations for being allowed on board the aircraft. Check the airport or airline website to confirm the flight schedule and arrive on time,” state the border police.

Authorities warn foreigners coming to Moldova that they must have documents justifying the purpose of their visit.

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