Daniel Voda: 120 agreements with the CIS have already been terminated. Visa regime with member states explained

Moldova has signed 282 agreements within the CIS. Out of these, 79 are currently under consideration for denunciation, 120 have already begun the procedures, and 36 have been concluded.

The statement was given by Daniel Voda, a spokesperson for the government, during an appearance on the show’s studio, „Новая неделя” with Anatolie Golea.
The official stated that documents are evaluated based on their usefulness for citizens and institutions.

Regarding the potential implementation of a visa system for CIS member states, Voda stated that there are existing bilateral agreements with the majority of countries within the community. The only exceptions are Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan.


Daniel Voda mentioned that Moldova is not the only country denouncing CIS agreements. According to the source, some of these documents were signed solely for the purpose of taking photographs with political leaders.

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