Deputy Secretary General of NATO will arrive in Moldova: when is the official expected, and what is the purpose of the visit?

NATO Deputy Secretary General Mircea Geoana will visit the Republic of Moldova in the coming months. He stated this in an interview with the program “La 360 de grade” on a public radio station. The conversation with the official will be published in full on Monday, June 19. Most of the questions concerned the meeting of NATO defense ministers, which took place in Brussels.

He clarified that he is open to discussing all issues that are of interest to the leadership and citizens of our country.

“I am open to discussing any topic that interests our partners from the Republic of Moldova. I am planning to visit the Republic of Moldova. We had one or two calendar proposals, but there were also changes at the governmental level in the Republic of Moldova. It is with great pleasure that I will visit in the next few months. As this interview proves, I am open to discussing any topic of interest to our partners in the Republic of Moldova. As the leader of NATO and the alliance, as friends of the Republic of Moldova, will continue to advocate for the European integration of the Republic of Moldova,” said Mircea Geoana.

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