Does the Russian Foreign Ministry believe in fake news? It summoned the Charge d’Affaires of the Moldovan Embassy in Russia

The Russian Foreign Ministry has summoned the chargĂ© d’affaires of the Moldovan embassy in the Russian Federation. It happened after rumors appeared in the press that our country could host F16 planes destined for Ukraine, the Chisinau diplomacy said.

As a result, the Moldovan authorities suggest that Russian diplomats get information from official sources. According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the information about the military planes is false.

“In this context, the MFA notes that the Russian Foreign Ministry, with regret, gets its information from fake news online. Therefore, the Republic of Moldova does not and will not host weapons and military equipment, including airplanes destined for Ukraine. The Republic of Moldova is a neutral state, and its institutions will continue to respect the principle of neutrality,” Moldovan diplomats note.


At the same time, the Moldovan Foreign Ministry points out that the Russian Federation is the only country that illegally maintains troops and ammunition on the territory of the Republic of Moldova without the consent of the constitutional authorities.

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