Dorin Recean discussed Moldovan-German economic cooperation in Berlin

Prime Minister Dorin Recean and German Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development Svenja Schulze discussed ways to extend Moldovan-German cooperation in the economic and commercial sectors. The meeting occurred during the PM’s participation in the Ukraine Recovery Conference in Berlin, as reported by the government’s communication department.

The prime minister welcomed the expansion of air transport connections between Moldova and Germany, enhancing accessibility and connectivity for citizens of both countries. Starting on May 1, 2024, the German airline Eurowings began flights between Chisinau and the German cities of Cologne and Stuttgart. Additionally, Lufthansa re-launched the direct Chisinau-Frankfurt-Chisinau flight on April 29 this year, with a frequency of 4-5 flights weekly.

The dialogue also focused on joint projects between the two countries and Moldova’s priorities on European Union accession. The officials expressed their commitment to supporting Ukraine’s social and economic recovery. In this regard, the Moldovan PM urged German companies to invest in Moldova, aiming to accelerate the reconstruction of the neighboring country.


Germany is one of Moldova’s principal trade partners. In 2023, Germany ranked fifth in commercial exchanges with Moldova. Additionally, over 400 Moldovan companies benefit from German investments, contributing 894 million lei and creating jobs for Moldovan citizens.

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