Dumitru Alaiba on record fuel prices: We can do a lot, but we can’t control the world market

The increase in fuel prices does not take place because the law approved by PAS is bad, but because these are the developments on the world market. This is how Dumitru Alaiba, chairman of the Parliament’s economy, budget and finance committee, comments on the record prices set this weekend by ANRE for petrol and diesel. According to the PAS deputy, record fuel prices are recorded throughout Europe, and the Republic of Moldova is no exception.

“If we cross the Prut to Romania, gasoline is almost 40 lei in our money and that’s the way it is all over Europe. We voted for this law because there is no competition in this market, and we decided to link the price of the petrol and diesel pump to the Platts quotations. And when you have this mess on the international market, you can’t expect cheaper gasoline and diesel in the Republic of Moldova. These price increases are not due to the law voted by PAS, if we had the same evolution on the international market, regardless of the pricing method, the price increases would be anyway “, said Dumitru Alaiba during the show Rezoomat from RliveTV.

For today and for tomorrow, ANRE has set a ceiling price of 29.29 lei for a liter of gasoline and 27.66 lei for a liter of diesel. Dumitru Alaiba says that citizens will immediately feel the decrease in fuel prices, when there will be a decrease internationally.

“The law says that the price is set daily based on Platts quotations. Sometimes you lose, sometimes you win. I do not think that foreign prices, from now on, are forever and when they fall, we will feel. I know that this does not comfort anyone now. We can do a lot, but we cannot control the world market “, Dumitru Alaiba also said.

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